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Out of Touch


These past two weeks have been interesting to say the least. My last In-person classes ended and my paper marathon began. The one downside of schooling in the UK is that all the large projects are due at once. I have 5 classes and 5 papers to get done before I start traveling for the majority of April and May. Last week was filled with doing papers, going to the gym, and hanging out at Storyhouse with my friends Bruno, Alondra, Yeji, and Parker. I did have a few moments out, going to dinner with Parker and going out for coffee with Yeji. This last week, I was able to meet up with one of my closest friends, Una, again. I also met her friend Ashley and we had a great time sitting and talking. On Wednesday, all the Varsity matches occurred. Varsity is basically a large competition with every sports team playing the respective team from Salford. I was unable to compete in the womens soccer game, but went to watch Parker in his rowing competition and Lexi in her volleyball competition. Afterward, I went back to my dorm, did some homework, and went to a potluck with the soccer team. Thursday was filled with packing for my trips and trying to finish up papers. Currently, I am on my way to France for a hiking trip.

Picture Descriptions:

• Top Left: Ashley and I

• Top Middle: Una and I

• Top Right: Cupcake with Team Picture at Potluck

• Bottom Left: UOC Rowing Competition

• Bottom Middle: In Manchester Airport Going to France

• Bottom Right: Working on Paper

It has been a trying few weeks. I definitely have been feeling the side effects of culture shock, finally. Its not as much that the UK is so different from the US, but that I am so far away from a solid support system and close friends. Also, it is hard to remain motivated as all my teachers are striking or just mainly unhelpful with school. I have also had issues sleeping and long to get a good day of rest. Otherwise, these past few weeks have been pretty relaxed other than the papers, which I will continue to work on throughout the next few months.

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