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Bracing for Impact When Nothing is Coming


As many of you know, many things can change in one day. My panic about being behind was just that- panic. Due to my lack of sleep, I did not realize that I had thought I had missed my meeting with my advisor until I realized the next morning that it was 2:00 am and I had not in fact missed the meeting. My advisor for university here at Chester is absolutely amazing. She is very kind, patient, encouraging, giving, and I know she has such a unique perspective of England that she has to offer. I woke up late that morning due to my panic the day before and felt very behind again. However, my meeting with another one of my professors went extremely well. Again, I fell behind again when I missed an opportunity to go to the gym that day and my planning mind was screaming with rage at missed appointments. However, that night I had the opportunity to go out with other international students to several pubs as well as to go dancing. It was an amazing experience that would definitely take up much of my time in the United States if there were clubs and pubs similar to those in Chester. My favorite moment of the night included creating a dance with Raymond, the international student from Hong Kong, meeting other British girls with Lexi, or just dancing in a group around our pile of coats in the middle. The next day, I felt much more relaxed. I woke up later in the day but was able to head to the gym either way. Personally, I know that exercise is one of the ways that I destress and it provided me much comfort. Throughout the day, I worked on studying for the MCAT and working on readings for the week and went out with the group again. However, to my dismay, I believed I had lost my credit card that night and was internally panicking. However, I did not lose it. Although this was a worrying experience, my wanderings allowed me time to spend with Alondra, who is an absolute sweetheart and bought me sympathy chips (fries) for my troubles. All the people with me that night made me feel supported and cared for, which has helped me feel more stable in the UK as I miss my family and my roommates dearly. (And of course my dog Geneva!) The following day, I got up in the morning, yet again, late. I attended a local church service but ended up watching my church service from my home church, Summit in North Carolina. Our pastor talked about the difference between men and women and how those relationships apply to modern US culture. I thought his points were extremely good. After that, I went to a coffee shop with my Chilean friend Orlando and had the best time talking about everything and anything. I ended up slightly confused about my classwork and went out with a friend to a local pub favorite. Monday morning was when I finally started my classes...... the first one being at 6:00 P.M. Instead of sleeping in, I went to the gym at 6:30 in the morning, got followed around by the cutest campus cat, got confused at how to do laundry, went to go get coffee with my friend Laura-who is so amazing-and went on a walk around the city walls in Chester. Today was completely the opposite, I woke up around 9:00 and was attending class until 4:30, attended my first soccer practice at the university, went to eat dinner with Jihyun and her roommates, and got home around 9:00 P.M. for a tutoring meeting. However, throughout the day I got to spend unexpected time with Jihyun and was extremely happy to get to know her. She is very talented and invited me to spend time with her even though she may feel more comfortable speaking Korean. I really admired that she was open with me and she and the other Korean students have already shared so much with me.

Picture Descriptions

Top Left: Cathedral Right Next to Housing

Top Middle: Coffee and Food with Orlando

Top Right: On the old Roman Bridge above Town Center in Chester

Bottom Left: Bridge to Winston Churchill House for University of Chester

Bottom Middle: A View of Town Center in Chester

Bottom Right: Large, old cathedral in Town Center, Chester

The reason I titled this Bracing for Impact applies to both school, social situations, and other elements of UK life. In school, I am much ahead of everyone else for doing a few readings for classes. For all the situations where I worried that I was not spending time with people, individuals showed up and made my day. It has made me incredibly grateful to have such an amazing international group. I feel included and that everyone is a genuinely caring person that as is invested in you as their experience in Chester. It reminds me of when I traveled to Israel when an old man at the gates in Jerusalem told us to not look at the old stones of places but to instead look and invest in the living people there. I feel comforted by my MCAT tutor who I am sure will help me achieve my goals. I am ecstatic that my mother got good news from the doctor today. I feel like many members of the women's soccer team will become good friends of mine. Overall, I have learned these past four days that God will put people and situations into your life to help you. I don't need to constantly brace for impact, but enjoy the nature, people, old stones, food, and life around me in the UK.

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