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A Week In and A Few Days Out


The last time I blogged I wrote about my time in Liverpool, which was a week ago. My schedule has definitely started to become busy, being the reason I am only going to update once a week (twice if I am lucky). On Monday, I had class for half the day, did homework, and studied for the MCAT. Overall, I spent the day in and working on school. The next day was similar, I had classes from 9:00 to 4:30, then soccer practice at 5:00. It was an extremely long day. Despite this, I went out with some of my classmates that night but was totally exhausted. On Wednesday, I had class again from 9:00-1:15. After this exertion, I was totally exhausted and slept for three to four hours. After this, I went to get Pad Thai with my friends, planned a trip to France, called my family and my best friend, and felt sick. I developed a cough overnight and decided to spend the majority of the next two days inside to recover. On Thursday, I was still feeling sick and did a short workout inside. I decided on my Intercultural Cultural Experiential Learning proposal and finished most of it. Friday was slightly more exciting, as I woke up early and went to the gym. After this, I went to brunch with my friend Una from Taiwan and returned home to finish some homework. That night, I attended soccer practice and had a lot of fun. Sometimes I worry that I am too intense for the soccer team here but am enjoying the company. When I returned home, I planned on completing more school work, but instead spent the night in with my roommate Hannah and our friend Laura. We watched a few movies and got to spend some very valuable time discussing anything and everything. The next morning, I woke up early again and listened to Ted Talks while I got ready. Around 9:00 I left for the train station and went to Manchester. We had an excellent time there, going to a street food market, the Manchester Cathedral, the Manchester Public Library, and the Manchester Art Gallery. Our group eventually tired out, grabbed some dinner, and headed back home around 8:00. We agreed that we thought Manchester was larger and slightly more fun than Liverpool the previous weekend. Today, we watched the Cheifs game in a very uncrowded pub, went on errands, and did more homework. Overall, it was a relaxed week in, which I did not mind at all.

Picture Description

Top Left: Manchester Art Gallery

Top Middle: Brunch with Una

Top Right: Me and Bugs Bunny

Top/Middle Left: Girls and I on Tuesday

Top/Middle Middle: Girls and I on Tuesday in Chester Town Center

Top/Middle Right: Manchester Cathedral-Statue and Stained-Glass Window

Bottom/Middle Left: Pancakes from Brunch with Una

Bottom/Middle Middle: Pad Thai

Bottom/Middle Right: Manchester Cathedral

Bottom Right: Manchester Cathedral from the Front

Bottom Middle: Streets of Manchester

Overall, this week was a little difficult because I felt overworked and sick. My day in Manchester was extremely fun and I am coming to enjoy the little moments with individuals. I am looking forward to spending more time out this next week and feeling more healthy.

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